LogoNicole Gregory

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Phit Physique Pilates Fitness Nutrition

"Embrace the Triad of Wellness: Mind, Body, and Spirit"

Unique Fitness Goals

My priority is to assist you in achieving YOUR UNIQUE fitness goals and maintaining the results! I approach fitness from the "mind-body perspective". I will guide you to work from the inside out to be the best YOU that you were created to be! The best day to start your journey is today!

Welcome to the 2024 PHIT PHYSIQUE CHALLENGE! Embrace a Stronger Core in 2024: Kick off the 30-Day PHIT PHYSIQUE Strength & Pilates Challenge on January 8th!

Dynamic Workout Routines

Enjoy a variety of exercises - all suited to your style. Whether you want to sculpt your body or lose fat, workout at home or gym, with or without equipment, beginner or advanced level - here at Phit Physique there's something for everyone!

Flexible Nutrition Plans

A healthy body starts on the inside. We will help you construct a meal plan with multiple options to easily follow and get the results you are looking for. Do it without missing out on your favorite food with the power of quantified nutrition.

Progress Tracking

I will help you track your fitness journey like a pro. Attain your fitness goals with simple performance tracking via weekly photos and intelligent analytics. Connect your favorite wearable device to my app, and never lose track of your progress.

Instant Messaging & Video Calls

Stay connected with me in real-time with messages and video calls. With photo, audio, video and document sharing supported right in the app, connect with me for just about anything, anytime. I've got you!

2024 Phit Physique Challenge

Click the word "App" to download in the top right hand corner of this screen. For the Pilates sessions for the challenge, be sure to grab your CoreFirst Straps Kit. Once your profile is created go to the “Resources Section” and Click on the “COREFIRST PILATES EQUIPMENT” link in order to grab your CoreFirst Straps Kit. Be sure to use the discount code: PHIT10 at checkout.

Let's Go!

As we usher in the new year, now is the ideal moment to welcome a new beginning and prioritize our overall health. Drawing inspiration from Joseph Pilates' renowned quote, "Feel the difference in 10 sessions, see the difference in 20, and have a whole new body in 30!"

Training Options

Bronze Tier/Beginners

Bronze Tier/Beginners

This beginners program is our most budget-friendly training/coaching option. It is designed to kick-start your health journey using a simple nutritious diet plan and basic exercises using minimal equipment! The workouts are pre-written as "structured workouts" or "follow along video" plans, generalized workout and nutrition advice, and last but not least, access to chat support 24/7.

Video demonstrations & instructions to perform exercises

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

24/7 chat support

Silver Tier/Sculpt and Tone for Women

Silver Tier/Sculpt and Tone for Women

A gym or home based program to promote the loss of weight and body fat while sculpting lean muscle, toning your core and building strength and endurance. At the end of this program you are sure to feel energized, stronger and have a toned physique!

2 Virtual sessions per week

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations, instructions to perform, and follow along videos

Personalized meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

Daily workout and nutrition logging in the app

24/7 chat support

Gold Tier/Private Training

Gold Tier/Private Training

This plan is exclusively crafted for new private clients who prefer a one-time purchase of an 8, 12 or 16 week program. It is designed for the clients unique needs in order to jumpstart their fitness! The program is specifically tailored for clients seeking to expedite their fitness journey and achieve their goals with utmost precision by having a weekly schedule that includes their weekly workout plan, meal plan and rest days. Additionally, it offers weekly progressions to enhance weight loss and muscle gain, thereby accelerating your fitness transformation!

Pay online for the Plan

Schedule a video call with Nicole through the chat for consultation

Begin the Program on a day agreed upon by both parties

Connect with Nicole 2 x per week by Chat or schedule a Virtual Call or workout session

for 8 Weeks
Silver Tier/"Shredded" for Men

Silver Tier/"Shredded" for Men

The "Shredded" plan for men is to target stubborn belly fat, and focus on gaining maximum muscle mass. During a 6 month period you will engage in 4 vigorous muscle building workouts. The workouts and nutrition plan will rotate each week and be tailored for success to gain maximum muscle and a reduction in fat gain.

2 Live Class per week

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations, instructions to perform, and follow along videos

Personalized meal plan & recipes

Regular progress check ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

Platinum Tier/Empowering Women through Menopause

Platinum Tier/Empowering Women through Menopause

Attention, women experiencing Perimenopause, Menopause, or Postmenopause: Here's a program exclusively designed for you! This is the ultimate and all-encompassing program where we collaborate to help you achieve your fitness objectives in the shortest time possible. As someone who has successfully conquered all three stages, I understand the challenges you face. Let me assist you in navigating this phase of life and reaching your goals. This membership is exclusive to a limited number of clients where I create a fully personalized program to compliment your lifestyle, resources and preferences. You will have a personalized training plan, a tailored nutrition and supplement plan that is unique to your personal needs and goals. Weekly check-ins and video calls, exclusive Q&A by e-mail, and weekly updates to your specific training/programming and nutrition. I am here to help you complete this journey with compassion, experience, knowledge, and strength and power!

One on one coaching

2 Weekly 1-1 video calls

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations, instructions to perform and follow along videos

Personalized nutrition/supplement plan & Recipies

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

24/7 chat support

Get "Shredded"!

Get "Shredded"!

A 6 month fitness regimen, either at a gym or in the comfort of your own home, designed to facilitate weight and body fat reduction while enhancing muscle definition, strength, and stamina. Let's get shredded!!

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform, and follow along videos

General Nutrition

24/7 chat support

for first week


Preparing for a special occasion? Want to shape up and firm your body rapidly? Join this high-intensity program dedicated to maximizing muscle gain and incinerating fat in just four weeks. Let's get started and achieve your goals!

One to one coaching

1 Weekly check in phone call or video call

Personalized fitness plan with video demonstrations & instructions to perform

Personalized nutrition/supplement plan

Regular progress check-ins

Regular updates in plans based on your progress

You may connect with me 24/7 through the Chat

for 4 Weeks

Nicole Gregory

AFAA Certified, Barre Intensity Certified, CPT, Stott Pilates Certified, HMS, LMT & PN Coach

Nicole, a.k.a. “Nikki”, began her journey in the fitness industry at the tender age of 16. She convinced her mom to join Elaine Powers, one of the first gyms specifically for women in the Detroit area. Since then she has never looked back. Nicole has been passionate about exercise, nutrition and the total well being of our bodies from day one. During her journey people have asked Nicole how she manages to “work in fitness” to her busy life. The answer she gave is, “This is a lifestyle. We only have two choices. We either incorporate wellness into our lives, or we don’t, and we accept the consequences of that choice”. In 2012, Nicole decided to add Massage Therapy to her journey because she knew how important it was to allow the body to “let go” in order to heal itself. She experienced first-hand how relaxing massage therapy can be during her first pregnancy. Nicole truly believes that because of the massage and her exercise regimen along with proper nutrition was the reason for both of her pregnancies being very smooth and uneventful. Nicole is now 57 years young and has experienced the stages of Menopause. She knows first hand how challenging this stage of life can be. However, she has a program for women that are presently dealing with these challenges and is ready to assist you in navigating these waters. Nicole has accomplished obtaining her Stott Pilates and Barre Intensity Certifications, she is an AFAA G.E.A.R. Cycling Instructor, Certified Personal Trainer, HMS Certified, LMT, Precision Nutrition Coach and Group Fitness Instructor.

Nicole Gregory

Complete Personalized Fitness Solution

One-to-one Video Calls

Connect with me via one-on-one video calls to discuss your goals, progress, techniques and more.

Compliance Tracking

Build long term healthy habits with weekly and monthly compliance trends for workouts, nutrition and everything else.

Wearable Integration

Connect your wearable device with the app to track your daily activity levels and workout metrics such as heart rate, calories burned and RMR. (resting metabolic rate).

Weekly Check-in Call

I will facilitate a weekly Check-In Call with you to provide support, guidance and accountability in order to ensure that you achieve your goals.

Personalized Workouts

I create a workout that is unique to you. This includes an assessment of your fitness level, identifying your specific goals, determining your preferred exercises all while working with your schedule, and access to equipment.

Customized Nutrition

I will construct a meal plan by assessing your nutritional needs; identifying health concerns, determining dietary preferences, while providing guidance and support with a clear guide on how to implement the plan. From grocery shopping to meal prep, to tasty recipes, I have your back!

What my current clients say:

Merry Christmas Nikki! Your help on my fitness journey was life-changing for me this year. I never thought I could do it, but you gave me the confidence I needed to tackle it head-on! Thank You!

Joy Morgan

Joy is my family's Hygienist.

Fall in love with fitness

Meet the stronger, faster, and more confident version of yourself.